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Preparing for Botox Treatment

Preparing for Botox Treatment

Botox is a safe and simple procedure that is effective for decreasing facial wrinkles. It is administered through facial injection, and has become popular in recent years due to its success. As the best med spa Los Angeles, we would…

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What Not To Do After Botox Treatment

What Not To Do After Botox Treatment

Botulinum toxin type A, also known as Botox, is one of the most popular types of facial injections for wrinkles. This neuromodulator works via injection directly into the desired area of treatment, and works below the surface by relaxing your…

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What is Botox?

What is Botox?

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) annual report for 2017, Botox topped the list of minimally invasive procedures with 7.23 million procedures performed in 2017. Why is Botox so popular? Read on to learn more about Botox…

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Facial Injectables

Facial Injectables

Facial Injectables That You Can Use for Your Appearance Facial Injectables are highly sought after in the beauty industry. Not only do they fill in wrinkles from expressions or aging, they also relax the muscle that causes the wrinkle in…

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