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Author page: Benny Hau

Skin Tightening with Z Wave

Skin Tightening with Z Wave

If you’ve been dealing with the unpleasant look of cellulite, you may have heard about Zwave cellulite removal. This utilizes a technology that radiates powerful sound waves to the specific problem areas of your body. This procedure is completely painless…

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Are Stretch Marks Genetic?

Are Stretch Marks Genetic?

There are several factors that play into the chances of developing stretch marks, including genetic predispositions and rapid weight gain or loss. Genetic causes are not scientifically substantiated, but the evidence does seem to suggest that those who develop stretch…

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Is Acne Genetic?

Is Acne Genetic?

We’ve all been there–you go to bed with clear skin and wake up with a couple of red marks pulsing on your face. This is frustrating for everyone, but there is hope with acne treatment. What is Acne? Acne vulgaris…

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